A Guide to Wake Up Feeling Refreshed and Energised

A Guide to Wake Up Feeling Refreshed and Energised

Research has shown that globally over the past few months insomnia and other sleep disturbances are on the rise.

Alongside this we have the global pandemic reportedly increasing anxiety, which will also make it harder to achieve the global recommended average of 7.5 hours sleep a night.
A lack of sleep can lead to health implications, physically and mentally, also the inability to drift off at night can seriously weaken daytime performance. It can even affect our memory and our ability to learn and store new information – crucial in the workplace and also for those educating their children or in a form of education themselves at this time.

Aware of this, 1 People have been researching expert approved techniques that aid you in waking up feeling refreshed despite any disturbances throughout the night.
If you are among the growing number of people who are struggling to switch off at night and have a sound sleep, then this is for you.

Firstly, let's discuss how what you eat affects your sleep.
You should avoid eating unhealthy fatty foods and spending your free time lounging and being sedentary. Staying active will help you feel less sluggish at work and also help you gain more energy. However, It is important to not commute on an empty stomach as this results in the body running on ‘adrenaline energy’ on your way to work, which is one of the main factors which causes shallow, ‘muddy’ sleep. So be mindful to pair your morning tea or coffee with a substantial and nutritious meal.

Silentnight's resident sleep expert, Dr Nerina Ramlakhan suggests that If you’re already drinking the recommended two litres of water a day and you want to take it to the next level, try adding a squeeze of lemon and a pinch of sea salt to alkalise the water. The body functions optimally at an alkaline PH of 7.35, so hydrating with alkaline water helps our body to work properly; transmitting messages and enabling our physiological processes, including getting a good night's sleep.

Ben Franklin once said “early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”, and this can actually be backed up with research. A recent study has shown that waking with the sun rise, rather than forcing yourself to wake up before the sun, lowers your chances of stroke, heart disease, diabetes and depression.

Also factor in fun as your waking up by lightly dancing or listening to your favorite songs, playing music or listening to the radio first thing in the morning can help to wake you up faster, as it’s been shown that listening to music with lyrics can actually stimulate your brain.In fact, previous studies have shown that areas of the brain ‘light up’ when listening to music.
And finally avoid the snooze button at all costs...When getting up in the morning it might be tempting to set your alarm a little earlier so you can hit the snooze button for an extra ten minutes. However, this will actually make you feel worse when you eventually do drag yourself out of bed, as going back to sleep after hitting the snooze button prepares your body for another sleep cycle. Set your alarm for the latest possible moment and move your alarm clock to the opposite side of the room so you have to physically get out of bed to turn it off.

We hope these examples can help you feel a lot more positive and productive each morning going forward.

Lots of love,
1 People

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