A Mother’s Day Special: Legacy of Love, Celebrating The Lifetime Bond of A Mother
Let’s extend the month of love to March, but this time reserve your love and affection for all the mothers around you. We’re talking about Mother’s Day indeed! Our friends in the UK will be celebrating Mother’s Day on the 27th of March, meanwhile others may celebrate later in the year. But if you reside outside of the UK and think that every day is a chance to celebrate Mother’s Day, anyway, why not join the public celebration early this March!
Mother’s Day UK is celebrated on different dates each year, which is different from the tradition celebrated anywhere else. This is because, in the UK, the Mother’s Day celebration is affiliated with the church as observed by its Mothering Sunday alias. Mothering Sunday, or Mother’s Day, takes place three weeks before Easter Sunday, and is a date where Christians would visit their ‘mother church’. Since Easter also varies each year, depending on the lunar calendar, Mother’s Day in the UK in this way changes, too. Meanwhile, Mother’s Day in the US is celebrated in May and was founded through a completely different occurrence—one that is not founded through religion.
We’re definitely in for a treat this March, because the celebration of a mother’s lifetime bond will come at a time where we also welcome the new season of spring. We have so many things in store this March, and in case you were wondering what they are you can read our previous journal to be up to date. So, let’s start unpacking one of the main agendas, starting from Mother’s Day.
Legacy of Love
This year, we are celebrating Mother’s Day with a special theme in mind. Of course, a mother’s love is the main idea of the theme and messaging but we had also collected other keywords including unconditional love, everlasting love, bond, lifetime bond and roles of the motherly figure. From there we finally put the pieces together and came up with the concept ‘Legacy of Love’ with the tagline, “Celebrating the lifetime bond of a mother.”
This name and tagline is meant to personify a mother’s legacy, which will be passed down for generations to generations. Fueled by the dynamics of love, and a mother’s lifetime bond, the name ‘Legacy of Love’ also implies ideas of sustainable love, which connects with the meaningful kind of mother’s day gifting. We want to highlight a mother's everlasting love and heritage through the potential that your Mother’s Day presents can represent. The thoughtful and timeless gifts that you buy for your mother can, in the future, become yours, your daughter’s or granddaughter’s.
Whether you spend the special day through gifting or writing a happy Mother’s Day card, it’s truly the thought that matters. Thoughtfulness goes a long way in how you show love and affection to others, especially your mother. But the definition of mother does not only include mothers by blood, you can also have motherly figures who are not blood-related. Biological mothers, godmothers, stepmothers, and surrogate mothers—there are many types of mothers in the world, after all.
Types of Mums
The role of a mother is not to be taken so lightly. Nowadays, mothers are not limited to stay-at-home mums or housewives, because present-day society has moved away from gender stereotypical conventions. Present-day society has allowed the diversification of roles for the mother, such as the working mum, the socialite mum, as well as the flexible mum.
The working mum refers to mothers who not only raise their children, but also have work outside the home to receive income. Particularly, this characteristic might be embodied by single mothers and/or career-oriented mothers who are great multitaskers and are persistent. Statistics have also shown that 40% of married women in the US worked full-time in 1992 compared to only 16% in 1970, displaying a distinguishable increase. Especially in recent times, having been through the pandemic for a few years now, the idea of ‘the supermum’ becomes even more prominent. There are mums who would seek that balance between work and family; mums who would juggle their career and housework at home; mums who would help with her children’s school project whilst also attending meetings.
The socialite mum refers to mothers who are actively engaged in social situations which includes participating in parent communities at her children’s school, regularly attending social gatherings with friends, sporting an active lifestyle (i.e. following fitness groups and/or classes) and more. The role of the socialite mum is rather flexible, as she juggles housework, family life, whilst also leading her own social life to fulfil her time. The socialite mum also regularly helps out with her children’s school project and more through the support that she can provide via parent communities at school.
The flexible mum refers to mothers who have flexi-work and can accommodate an adaptable schedule, be it at home or outside. She can be an entrepreneur or a career woman, but she is also present in her family life. Ever since the pandemic, the working culture around the world has shifted. When looking at the demographics of women in the US and their activities it’s stated that, “mothers living with school-age children left active work”, preferring to stay at home to care for their children. Additionally, with the advancement of technologies nowadays, women prefer to do everything online and at home. This allows more flexibility for women in ways that enable them to navigate through their priorities better.
The nurture of a mother forms our childhood experience. In a way, this can be seen as a source of inspiration for us as we grow older, because it defines what type of person we want to become as adults. A mother’s love never dies. So, whenever there’s a good opportunity to publicly declare our love and appreciation for our mum, let’s make the most of it!
In the following weeks, we will be sharing our gift guides for some gift ideas for Mother’s Day. Stay tuned to our Instagram and Pinterest!
Much Love,
1 People